
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Marksburg Castle on the Rhine

Travel Tuesday: Part 3 of our trip of the Rhine Valley. 

If you are just joining in you can follow links to Part 1 and Part 2.

travel along with Cedric and The Tipsy Terrier blog in Germany

We awoke at Burg Rheinfels Castle, enjoyed breakfast overlooking the Rhine, explored the ruins of the castle and set off towards the town of Braubach and Marksburg Castle with a final destination of Karden on the Mosel River.  Our original plan was to take the first ferry of the day to Braubach, but we got side tracked with shopping for steins that we had to take a later boat.  The boat we ended up boarding stopped at the town of Boppard and did not go all the way to Braubach.  We consulted our maps and found there was a ferry that would take us across the river and was near a train station.  We could of waited for the next boat but it was hours until the next one - link to KD Rhine boats timetable

navigating trains and ferrys on The Rhine - The Tipsy Terrier blog
It is not always straight forward traveling without a car but it can be done! (photo credit - Google Maps)
train station along the Rhine - The tIpsy Terrier blog

We decided to cross the river to be on the same bank as Braubach - there are not too many spots that offer crossing.  Most crossings are for vehicular traffic and there is room for pedestrians as well.  The station was about a mile from the dock - to be honest I can not remember if we walked or found a taxi.  The train station was deserted but the next train did stop for us.  It was a short trip to Braubach and we stored our luggage at the train station while we toured the castle. We found that most ferry docks were near train stations too - very convenient.

Marksburg Castle on the Rhine - The Tipsy Terrier blog

There are signs that lead the way to the walking path to the castle making it quite easy to find your way.  The "R" symbol is used through out the region to indicate a castle.

the trek to Marksburg Castle
no pooping on your way to the Castle - The Tipsy Terrier blog

There were a few dogs that we saw along the trail and at the cafe at the castle.  Most castles will have a snack bar with food and drinks providing a great place to grab lunch when you are on the go.  We already ate lunch on the boat but were forced to take a short break because we missed the English tour.  Beers it is!

Nothing tastes better than a beer after a walk to a castle - The Tipsy Terrier blog
Kirk intently pouring a pint.
Marksburg Castle is the only castle on the Rhine that did not suffer any damage during the many wars until WWII when the Americans fired at it from across the Rhine.  It is also the head quarters for the German Castle Association that protects and preserves castles through out the country.  Tours are 6 euros and are offered every 20 minutes during the summer and fall.  Pictures are not allowed but I was able to sneak a few!

Your knight in shinning armour awaits - The Tipsy Terrier blog
Fresco in the chapel at Marksburg Castle - The Tipsy Terrier
Frescoes on the ceiling of the chapel
Medieval nook - The Tipsy Terrier

After touring the castle we made our way down the hill, collected our luggage and boarded the 4:30 boat to Koblenz.  It is a half hour trip but we were able to find time to enjoy a pint.  I highly recommend seeing the Rhine by ferry.  The views are phenomenal and you are able to view it in the open air or inside the heated boat.  And remember a Eurorail pass works on the ferry as well.

Our final beer on the Rhine ferry boat - The Tipsy Terrier

We disembarked in Koblenz and walked six blocks to the train station.  Our next stop is the town of Karden on the Mosel River where we stayed for two nights to visit Burg Eltz - my second favorite castle, Neuschwanstein being number one.

Have you toured the Rhine Valley?  Which castle or town was your favorite?

Our other stops in Germany: Cologne, The Rhine River by ferry and train, Burg Rheinfels - traveling the Rhine, Burg Eltz, Heidleberg



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  1. I love the Rhine River. Burg Eltz is probably my favorite castle we've visited in Germany, although we've visited the insides of only about 10 or so and there are hundreds!!

    1. Burg Eltz is pretty magical! The first time I went we drove and the last time we hiked in from a "nearby" train station and it was quite the adventure. I like how you can not see the castle from the main road - it is sort of a surprise when you finally see it.

  2. So glad I found this! I am just going to totally copy what you guys have done ;). It looks like so much fun!

    1. Thanks Kate! The hikes along the Rhine are pretty easy, well marked, have great views at every turn, and you are still in civilization. Have fun!

  3. Great post on the Rhine. Going to check out Part 1 &2. :)

    1. Thanks for reading LeeLee. Please let me know if you have any questions.

  4. beautiful tour, looks like a fun place to explore and photograph!
