
Sunday, December 1, 2013

Weekend musings

Wire Fox Terriers at The Tipsy Terrier pub

In between Thanksgiving feasts and getting our Christmas tree I did a photo shoot with our two Wire Fox Terriers. The goal was to get a  photo worthy of our Christmas card and out of 80 plus shots none of them made the cut.  I did get some cute pics of Cooper and Belle, The Tipsy Terriers, with their new Martha Stewart collars.

Belle a Wire Fox Terrier - The Tipsy Terrier blog

Cooper the Wire Fox Terrier - The Tipsy Terrier blog
Cooper is very good at the sit and stay commands.

Wire Fox Terriers at The Tipsy Terrier Pub
Belle Wire Fox Terrier at The Tipsy Terrier Pub

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend with family and friends!

p.s. this is my first time making gifs - I might have gotten carried away!



Are your dogs, or pets, on your holiday card?


  1. Those are some great pics of your dogs in their collars. No, we don't do a photo holiday card, but if we did, our cats would definitely be on it!

    1. Thanks Jessica! It has been a few years since they have been on our cards - usually it is a pic of us on vacation. This year I think we will do 1/2 vacation photo and half of the pups if they can sit still and pose.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Brittany! Your Frenchie is super cute too!
