
Saturday, October 12, 2013

Halloween Count Down...

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All Hallows Eve is the biggest holiday and party at The Tipsy Terrier Pub.  We go all out and try to add new spooky scenes for our guests to experience.  Today is the day that we take down all of our decor and props down from multiple attics (house and pub) and make sure that everything is in working order.  Last year we did this at the end of September because we took a vacation to Savannah and Charleston in early October.  This year we are feeling like slackers.

I was looking at pictures from Halloweens past and found that I have not done a good job of documenting our house of horrors.  Most pics are of the awesome costumes that our guests wear.  I put together slide shows for each party which include pics from past parties and fun pictures that support the theme.  This year I hope to capture more of the little details to share with you!

Here are a few from the past four years

In the graveyard
Snow White cooking pizza
Shrunken heads in apple cider. Trader Joes apple cider, alcohol on the side and apple heads using 
Martha's tutorial
Living room
Dead Mouse and Minnie Mouse (blurry pic but this one shows the leds the best)
Jack Skeleton, graveyard bartender

I hope that this inspired you for your own Halloween party or if you are local to come to ours!



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