
Sunday, February 13, 2011

Welcome to The Tipsy Terrier Pub

Well I've finally did it!  I've been talking about starting all year and I finally did it.  I am still learning how to use the site and I am playing around with the layout.

The Tipsy Terrier was established in 2006 when my husband and I decided to remodel our detached 2 car garage into a pub.   Our home is on the small side and so is our driveway so it was not difficult to give up parking in the garage - actually in six years we have never parked in it.  We live in the San Francisco Bay Area so it is not a big deal not having covered parking.

Many traditional pubs are named after animals so it was only natural that we would name it after our Wire Fox Terrier, Cooper, that is always tipping his head. Since then we have added a second dog to our pack, Belle.  Where there is a pub there will be parties!  And boy do we love to party, especially themed parties.  We are already working up our arsenal for the summer.  We also learned to brew our own beer last year that we have on tap.  I brewed 10 different 5 gallon batches and I can't wait to get started again.

This blog will high light trips that we have taken, the projects inspired by them, parties we throw, learning to cook with our brick wood fired oven, and other shenanigans we get up to.

Cheers from the publicans!
Amy and Kirk and the Terriers Cooper and Belle

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